Hовые поступления с 17 октября по 7 ноября 2017 года
1. Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph: Revised Selected
Papres/14th International Workshop, WAW 2017, Toronto,ON,Canada,
June 2017/Ed. by A.Bonato, F.C.Graham, P.Pralat.-Berlin: Springer,
2017.-Vol. 10519.-105 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
2. Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies: Proc./12th
International Symposium, APPT 2017, Santiago de Compostela,
Spain, August 2017/Ed. by Y.Dou, H.Lin, G.Sun, J.Wu.-Berlin:
Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10561.-129 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer
3. Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering: Proc./7th
International Conference, IScIDE 2017, Dalian, China, September
2017/Ed. by Y.Sun, H.Lu, L.Zhang, J.Yang.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10559.-689 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
4. Security and Trust Management: Proc./13th Intenational
Workshop, STM 2017, Oslo, Norway, September 2017/Ed. by
G.Livraga, C.Mitchell.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10547.-235 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
5. Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis, Computational Anatomy
and Imaging Genetics: Proc./1st Int.WSp, GRAIL 2017, 6th Int.WSp
MFCA 2017 and 3rd Int.WSp MICGen 2017 Held in Conjunction with
MICCAI 2017, Quebec City, QC, Canada, September 2017/Ed. by
M.J.Cardoso, T.Arbel.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10551.-250 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
6. Intravascular Imaging and Computer Assisted Stenting, and
Large-Scale Annotation of Biomedical Data and Expert Label
Synthesis: Proc./6th IWs,CVII-STENT 2017 and 2nd IW, LABELS 2017
Held in Conj. with MICCAI 2017, Quebec City,QC,Canada,: September
2017/Ed. by M.J.Cardoso, T.Arbel.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10552.-166 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
7. Computer Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy and Clinical
Image-Based Procedures: Proc./4th Int.WSp, CARE 2017 and 6th
Int.WSp, CLIP 2017 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Quebec
City, QC, Canada, September 2017/Ed. by M.J.Cardoso, T.Arbel.
-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10550.-182 p.-(Lecture Notes in
Computer Science).
8. Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal
Learning for Clinical Decision Support: Proc./3rd Int.WSp, DLMIA
2017 and 7th Int.WSp, ML-CDS 2017 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI
2017, Quebec City, QC,Canada, September 2017/Ed. by M.J.Cardoso,
T.Arbel.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10553.-385 p.-(Lecture
Notes in Computer Science).
9. Fetal, Infant and Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis:
Proc./Int.WSp, FIFI 2017 and 4th Int.WSp, OMIA 2017 Held in
Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Quebec City, QC,Canada, September
2017/Ed. by M.J.Cordoso, T.Arbel.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10554.-252 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
10. Molecular Imaging, Reconstruction and Analysis of Moving
Body Organs, and Stroke Imaging and Treatment: Proc./5th Int.WSp,
CMMI 2017, 2nd Int.WSP, RAMBO 2017 and 1st Int.WSp, SWITCH 2017
Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Quebec City, QC,Canada,
September 2017/Ed. by M.J.Cardoso, T.Arbel.-Berlin: Springer,
2017.-Vol. 10555.-186 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
11. Imaging for Patient-Customized Simulations and Systems for
Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Proc./Int.WSp, BIVPCS 2017 and POCUS
2017 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Quebec City,
QC,Canada, September 2017/Ed. by M.J.Cardoso, T.Arbel.-Berlin:
Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10549.-164 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer
12. Machine Learning and Medical Imaging: Proc./8th
International Workshop, MLMI 2017 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI
2017, Quebec City, QC,Canada, September 2017/Ed. by Q.Wang,
Y.Shi, H.-I.Suk, K.Suzuki.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10541.
-391 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
13. SDL 2017: Model-Driven Engineering for Future Internet:
Proc./18th International SDL Forum, Budapest, Hungary, October
2017/Ed. by T.Csondes, G.Kovacs, G.Rethy.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10567.-173 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
14. Ad-hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks: Proc./16th
International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless,
ADHOC-NOW 2017, Messina, Italy, September 2017/Ed. by
A.Puliafito, D.Bruneo, S.Distefano, F.Longo.-Berlin: Springer,
2017.-Vol. 10517.-396 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
15. Testing Software and Systems: Proc./29th IFIP WG 6.1
International Conference, ICTSS 2017, St.Petersburg, Russia,
October 2017/Ed. by N.Yevtushenko, A.R.Cavalli, H.Yenigun.-Berlin:
Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10533.-341 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer
16. Bringing People and Sound: Revised Selected Papers/12th
International Symposium, CMMR 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2016/
Ed. by M.Aramaki, R.Kronland-Martinet, S.Ystad.-Berlin: Springer,
2017.-Vol. 10525.-371 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
17. Formal Aspects of Component Software: Proc./14th
International Conference, FACS 2017, Braga, Portugal, October 2017
/Ed. by J.Proenca, M.Lumpe.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10487.
-251 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
18. Discovery Science: Proc./20th International Conference, DS
2017, Kyoto, Japan, October 2017/Ed. by A.Yamamoto, T.Kida,
T.Uno, T.Kuboyama.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10558.-357 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
19. Algorithmic Decision Theory: Proc./5th International
Conference, ADT 2017, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, October 2017/Ed. by
J.Rothe.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10576.-390 p.-(Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
20. Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in
Agent Systems XII: Revised Selected Papers/COIN 2016
International Workshops, COIN@AAMAS, Singapore, May 2016 and
COIN@ECAI, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 2016/Ed. by
S.Cranefield, S.Mahmoud, J.Padget, A.P.Rocha.-Berlin: Springer,
2017.-Vol. 10315.-171 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial
21. Scalable Uncertainty Management: Proc./11th International
Conference, SUM 2017, Granada, Spain, October 2017/Ed. by
S.Moral, O.Pivert, D.Sanchez, N.Marin.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10564.-438 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
22. Brain Function Assessment in Learning: Proc./1st
International Conference, BFAL 2017, Patras, Greece, September
2017/Ed. by C.Frasson, G.Kostopoulos.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10512.-215 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
23. Computational Collective Intelligence, Part I: Proc./9th
International Conference, ICCCI 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus, September
2017/Ed. by N.T.Nguyen, G.A.Papadopoulos, P.Jedrzejowicz,
B.Trawinski.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10448.-592 p.-(Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
24. Computational Collective Intelligence, Part II: Proc./9th
International Conference, ICCCI 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus, September
2017/Ed. by N.T.Nguyen, G.A.Papadopoulos, P.Jedzejowicz,
B.Trawinski.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10449.-614 p.-(Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
25. Comparative Genomics: Proc./15th International Workshop,
RECOMB CG 2017, Barcelona, Spain, October 2017/Ed. by
J.Meidanis, L.Nakhleh.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10562.-321 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
26. Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency
XII/Ed. by M.Koutny.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10470.-217 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
27. Social Informatics, Part I: Proc./9th International
Conference, SocInfo 2017, Oxford, UK, September 2017/Ed. by
G.L.Ciampaglia, A.Mashhadi, T.Yasseri.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10539.-645 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
28. Social Informatics, Part II: Proc./9th International
Conference, SocInfo 2017, Oxford, UK, September 2017/Ed. by
G.L.Ciampaglia, A.Mashhadi, T.Yasseri.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10540.-561 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
29. Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing:
Proc./17th International Conference, ICA3PP 2017, Helsinki,
Finland, August 2017/Ed. by S.Ibrahim, K.-K.R.Choo, Z,Yan,
W.Pedrycz.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10393.-829 p.-(Lecture
Notes in Computer Science).
30. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -
MICCAI 2017, Part I: Proc./20th International Conference, Quebec
City, QC,Canada, September 2017/Ed. by M.Descoteaux,
L.Maier-Hein, A.Franz, P.Jannin.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10433.-811 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
31. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -
MICCAI 2017, Part II: Proc./20th International Conference, Quebec
City, QC,Canada, September 2017/Ed. by M.Descoteaux,
L.Maier-Nein, A.Franz, P.Jannin.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10434.-785 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
32. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -
MICCAI 2017, Part III: Proc./20th International Conference,
Quebec City, QC,Canada, September 2017/Ed. by M.Descoteaux,
L.Maier-Hein, A,Franz, P.Jannin.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10435.-713 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
33. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017, Part I:
Proc./16th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Mumbai, India,
September 2017/Ed. by R.Bernhaupt, G.Dalvi, A,Joshi,
D.K.Balkrishan.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10513.-544 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
34. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017, Part II:
Proc./16th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Mumbai, India,
September 2017/Ed. by R.Bernhaupt, G.Dalvi, A.Joshi,
D.K.Balkrishan.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10514.-494 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
35. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017, Part III:
Proc./16th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Mumbai, India,
September 2017/Ed. by R.Bernhaupt, G.Dalvi, A.Joshi,
D.K.Balkrishan.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10515.-546 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
36. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017, Part IV:
Proc./16th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Mumbai, India,
September 2017/Ed. by R.Bernhaupt, G.Dalvi, A.Joshi,
D.K.Balkrishan.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10516.-545 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
37. Databases Theory and Applications: Proc./28th Australasian
Database Conference, ADC 2017, Brisbane, QLD, Australia,
September 2017/Ed. by Z.Huang, X.Xiao, X.Cao.-Berlin: Springer,
2017.-Vol. 10538.-286 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
38. Network and Parallel Computing: Proc./14th IFIP WG 10.3
International Conference, NPC 2017, Hefei, China, October 2017/
Ed. by X,Shi, H.An, C.Wang, M.Kandemir.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10578.-162 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
39. KI 2017: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./40th
Annual, German Conference on AI, Dortmund, Germany, September 2017
/Ed. by G.Kern-Isberner, J.Furnkranz, M.Thimm.-Berlin: Springer,
2017.-Vol. 10505.-396 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial
40. Topics in Theoretical Computer Science: Proc./2nd IFIP WG
1.8 International Conference,TTCS 2017, Tehran, Iran, September
2017/Ed. by M.R.Mousavi, J.Sgall.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10608.-125 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
41. Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking: Revised
Selected Papers/3rd International Conference, MSPN 2017, Peris,
France, June 2017/Ed. by S.Bouzefrane, S.Banerjee, F.Sailham,
S.Boumerdassi.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10566.-237 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
42. Computational Logistics: Proc./8th International Conference,
ICCL 2017, Southampton, UK, October 2017/Ed. by T.Bektas,
S.Cniglio, A.Martinez-Sykora, S.Voss.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10572.-588 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
43. Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2017, Part I:
Proc./19th International Conference, Catania, Italy, September
2017/Ed. by S.Battiato, G.Gallo, R.Schettini, F.Stanco.-Berlin:
Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10484.-767 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer
44. Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2017, Part II:
Proc./19th International Conference, Catania, Italy, September
2017/Ed. by S.Battiato, G.Gallo, R.Schettini, F.Stanco.-Berlin:
Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10485.-795 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer
45. E-Learning and Games: Revised Selected Papers/11th
International Conference, Edutainment 2017, Bournemouth, UK, June
2017/Ed. by F.Tian, Ch.Gatzidis, A.El_Rhalibi, W.Tang.-Berlin:
Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10345.-308 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer
46. Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: Proc./20th
International Symposium, RAID 2017, Atlanta,GA,USA, September 2017
/Ed. by M.Dacier, M.Bailey, M.Polychronakis, M.Antonakakis.
-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10453.-496 p.-(Lecture Notes in
Computer Science).
47. Health Information Science: Proc./6th International
Conference, HIS 2017, Moscow, Russia, October 2017/Ed. by
S.Siuly, Z.Huang, U.Aickelin, R.Zhou.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10594.-183 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
48. Formal Methods and Software Engineering: Proc./19th
International Conference on FEM, ICFEM 2017, Xi'an, China,
November 2017/Ed. by Z.Duan, L.Ong.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10610.-498 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
49. Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging: Proc./2nd
International Workshop, SASHIMI 2017 Held in Conjunction with
MICCAI 2017, Quebec City, QC,Canada, September 2017/Ed. by
S.A.Tsaftaris, A.Gooya, A.F.Frangi, J.L.Prince.-Berlin: Springer,
2017.-Vol. 10557.-109 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
50. Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2017: Proc./14th
International Colloquium, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2017/Ed. by
D.V.Hung, D.Kapur.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10580.-305 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
51. Computer Vision Systems: Revised Selected Papers/11th
International Conference, ICVS 2017, Shenzhen, China, July 2017/
Ed. by M.Liu, H.Chen, M.Vincze.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10528.-655 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
52. Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed
and Cloud Environments: Proc./1st International Conference, ISDDC
2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 2017/Ed. by I.Traore,
I.Woungang, A.Awad.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10618.-183 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
53. Fundamentals of Software Engineering: Revised Selected
Papers/7th International Conference, FSEN 2017, Tehran, Iran,
April 2017/Ed. by M.Dastani, M.Sirjani.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10522.-261 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
54. Privacy Technologies and Policy: Revised Selected Papers/5th
Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2017, Vienna, Austria, June 2017/Ed. by
E.Schweighofer, H.Leitold, A.Mitrakas, K.Rannenberg.-Berlin:
Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10518.-231 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer
55. Similarity Search and Applications: Proc./10th International
Conference, SISAP 2017, Munich, Germany, October 2017/Ed. by
C.Beecks, F.Borutta, P.Kroger, T.Seidl.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.
-Vol. 10609.-333 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
56. Evaluation in the Crowd: Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered
Experiments: Revised Contributions/ Dagstuhl Seminar 15481,
Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, November 2015/Ed. by D.Archambault,
H.Purchase, T.Hossfeld.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10264.-191 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
57. ModelEd, TestEd, TrustEd: Essays Dedicated to Ed Brinksma on
the Occasion of His 60th Birthday/Ed. by J.-P.Katoen,
R.Langerak, A.Rensink.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10500.-391 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
58. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: Proc./SAFECOMP
2017 Workshops: ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, and TIPS, Trento, Italy,
September 2017/Ed. by S.Tonetta, E.Schoitsch, F.Bitsch.-Berlin:
Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10489.-478 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer
59. Communication Systems and Networks: Reised Selected and
Invited Papers/9th International Conference, COMSNETS 2017,
Bengaluru, India, January 2017/Ed. by N.Sastry, S.Chakraborty.
-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10340.-363 p.-(Lecture Notes in
Computer Science).
60. Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining: Revised Selected Papers/PAKDD 2017 Workshops, MLSDA, BDM,
DM-BPM, Jeju, South Korea, May 2017/Ed. by U.Kang, E.-P.Lim,
J.X.Yu, Y.-S.Moon.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol. 10526.-203 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
61. Chinese Computattional Linguistics and Natural Language
Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data: Proc./16th
China National Conference, CCL 2017 and 5th International
Symposium, NLP-NABD 2017, Nanjing, China, October 2017/Ed. by
M.Sun, X.Wang, B,Chang, D.Xiong.-Berlin: Springer, 2017.-Vol.
10565.-482 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
62. Игнатьев М. Просто Кибернетика.- Санкт-Петербург: "Страта",
2016.- 245 с.
63. Авраменко Ю.В. Метод идентификации объектов на основе
логических описаний деформируемых моделеей: Автореф. дис... канд.
тез. наук: 05.13.17.-Иркутск, 2017.-22 с.-Библиогр.: c.21-22.
64. Развитие вычислительной техники в России и странах бывшего
СССР: история и перспективы: Труды SORUCOM-2017/4-я Международная
конференция, Москва, Зеленоград, октябрь 2017/ИСИ СО РАН.
Институт системного программирования РАН; Ред. А.Н.Томилин.-М.,
2017.-428 с.